Telefono:+39 0532.898508
Via Palladio, 8 - 44012 Bondeno (Ferrara)
We design and build stands for national and international events and fairs

Cosa possiamo fare per te e la tua azienda

Siamo una azienda giovane e dinamica che sviluppa stand fieristici in italia e all'estero. I nostri valori sono serieta' ed affidabilita' che uniti alla qualita' fanno dell'azienda il partner ideale per ogni cliente esigente.

Design and planning of stands

Constant care of every project: control and monitoring of each phase, support of the client from the beginning to the end of the process. We deliver a turnkey product following all its phases.


Design and assistance

Our technical office is at your disposal to propose customized projects presented with high quality renderings.
Our elastic structure allows us to create exhibition stands completely customized to meet the needs of the customer.


We are a reality in the middle of the three provinces of Bologna, Modena and Ferrara, we have customers all over Italy, from Milan to Rome, from Turin to Palermo, and imported customers also abroad. We personally take care of the transportation of our stands and exhibition stands, with our own vehicles.

We are a reality in the middle of the three provinces of Bologna, Modena and Ferrara, but we have customers all over Italy, from Milan to Rome, from Turin to Palermo, and imported customers also abroad. We personally take care of the transportation of our stands and exhibition stands, with our own vehicles.

Stand Fieristici Personalizzati

Realizziamo stand fieristici e allestimenti personalizzati. Seguiamo il lavoro dalla progettazione al montaggio, sempre a fianco del cliente per una completa soddisfazione.

Guarda i nostri lavori

Allestimento Fiere e Congressi

Allestiamo spazi espositivi per fiere e congressi. Ottimizziamo gli spazi arredandoli in maniera intelligente per una resa del progetto completa al 100%.

Guarda i nostri lavori

Negozi e Showroom

Progettiamo e realizziamo arredamenti su misura per negozi o showroom. Riusciamo ad adattare i mobili espositivi agli spazi a disposizione mixando efficienza e design.

Guarda i nostri lavori

Our last projects

A small example of what we do and how we can maximize the image of your company.

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